What does that mean?
Green Circle Salons is a small company with BIG ideas.
Their goal: to make the Salon Industry sustainable.

We will be recycling everything, from the foils and plastic we use for highlights, and the unused color that would go down the drain or be in landfills, and then, sending it off to be re-purposed.
Your hair clippings will be used to make hair booms to aid in the clean-up of oil spills, an even greater step to aid our planet.

This huge step to help Mother Earth will come with a small additional price to every guest that gets a hair service -$1.00, contributing to the success of this program.
Reducing your carbon footprint and having a great hair day all rolled into one.

When we first learned of this concept we didn't even hesitate to sign on.
And with participation from salons nationwide, together we are surely making a difference.
To be able to keep items from our daily operations out of landfills is exactly the kind of movement we want to be part of!
Items that we used to deem wasteful like hair foils, and colour tubes, are now sorted in house and picked up by GCS for recycling.
The foil/colour tubes are easily repurposed into other materials.
The program also gives us the resources to properly dispose of chemicals rather than rinsing them down the drain.
It's just the kind of awareness that matches our Rituals culture.
Thank you for believing in us!

The Rituals Team

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